
15 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Ignore εξωσωματικη γονιμοποιηση

What is the cost of IVF and what does it include ?


What is known as in vitro fertilisation?

In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is widely used to fertilize an egg with the sperm outside the mother's uterus and implant the embryo back in the uterus for couples who have infertility issues or have had multiple miscarriage or multiple pregnancy loss.

IVF-ICSI is used when there is a male fertility issue or with couples with advanced maternal age and other factors. ICSI is intra cytoplasmic sperm injection wherein the best sperm is used for injection into the egg that is selected by the embryologist in the IVF lab.

Fertility enhancing surgeries such as laparoscopic hysteroscopy is performed on women with fibroids, endometriosis, PCOD, adhesions etc. Advanced IVF such as ERA – endometrial receptivity array is also performed on couples who have multiple implantation failures to detect the right time to implant.

In addition to helping couples conceive, IVF allows fertility specialists with embryologists at the Nova Fertility center help couples who are carriers of genetic disease and will want the offspring to be devoid of the disease in which case reproductive genetics such as PGT helps.

If you are considering assisted reproduction, you may have questions about the cost of the treatment options. You can learn more about your financing options and IVF costs by visiting any of our fertility across 37 cities in India. Please call us at 1800 103 2229 and schedule your appointment.

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